
Workshop-In-A-Book® for Dating Again, A Must-Read EBOOK

The Joy Of Dating Again is designed to be a do-it- yourself workshop. This book features 21 self-empowering keys. Each of the keys is presented as a workshop session. There is an explanation of each key and its relevance to your life. There are also exercises, meditations, affirmations and guided social experiments to reinforce and help you apply each key into action. This book can guide you through the keys for self-empowerment, helping you get the tools to move into a "new life," stretching your old limits and breaking the barriers of what is possible for you. In addition, you will develop the tools to attract a partner that is really suitable for you; the "new you."

As the author Jeanette Castelli, points out "The main element of learning is taking action in the real world. Every key is presented with several ways of implementing it immediately in your life. I truly believe in doing not just reading to create changes in your life."

To create the joy of dating again, you need to take action to make it happen. Some of you wish there was some kind of service where you call and they deliver the date of your dreams, with no effort on your part; or maybe, you wish you could fast forward time and already have found that special person, skipping the whole dating process.

The truth is there are powerful experiences of transformation, joy and self-discovery awaiting you in this adventure of dating again. A new level of self-esteem, passion for life, love and positive relationships can all be yours. As you learn the keys or reinforce them, you will start transforming your life. That subtle or not so subtle transformation will be reflected in your dating experiences. You can expect more joy in your life and that can only be translated into the joy of dating again. As you empower yourself, your life will change and you will enhance your dating experience. It is all within your reach; it is all in your hands.

You have the chance to use the experience of dating again as fuel for self-discovery and personal growth. Dating again can become a precious experience that will pull you out of your comfort zone into growth and empowerment.

Start right now with a positive attitude and see dating as an adventure, a journey into love, a trip into your heart, a challenge that can help you grow, a fun activity, a process of self-discovery, a project for happiness, a quest for inner harmony, and a great opportunity to enhance the quality of your life.

EBOOK information: "The Joy Of Dating Again" by Jeanette Castelli, M.S. (ISBN: 0974206113) Features 21 self-empowering keys to transform your experience of dating and your life, eliminating the trial and error. Contains exercises, worksheets and social experiments to implement each key. EBook available from

Jeanette Castelli is an author, speaker and coach. Her education includes an MBA and a Master of Psychology. She is an expert in recovery and healing processes, including divorce, past events and wall street losses. Contact her



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